Refactoring 004 — Remove Unhandled Exceptions

Creating YAGNI exception classes pollutes our environment. Let’s remove them.

Maximiliano Contieri
1 min readFeb 10, 2022
Image by danielkirsch from Pixabay

TL;DR: Remove unnecessary and not references empty exception classes.

Problems Addressed

  • Empty Classes
  • Namespace Polluted

Related Code Smells


1. Check there are no references to the empty exception class.

2. Replace the throw sentence with a generic one.

Sample Code




[X] Automatic

If the Exception class has no references we can perform a Safe Remove and replace it with *Exception* class.

Why the code is better?

  • We remove an empty class nobody uses.
  • We shrink the code


If we need to declare an empty exception class as documentation for an API module, our clients might need to catch it.

This is a gold plating and YAGNI example.


  • Clean up

Related Refactorings

  • Safe Remove

This article is part of the Refactoring Series.



Maximiliano Contieri

I’m a senior software engineer specialized in declarative designs. S.O.L.I.D. and agile methodologies fan.