(Most) Programmers are losing our jobs very soon

Maximiliano Contieri
Chatbots Life
Published in
3 min readJul 9, 2017


No work for lazy programmers

Are you a declarative programmer or a ‘close to the machine’ one ?

Do you learn machine code and talk in her zero and one’s language or you program by contracts, interfaces and preconditions?

If you are on the first group you are going to lose your job very soon.

Machine learning does an excellent job on making repetitive tasks (like programming) but today’s state of the art does not threaten good software engineers (yet).

Any Deep Neural Network can learn Knuth’s three volumes of the art of computer programming and accurately choose which algorithm and data structure fits best in order to achieve a goal. Nevertheless is not an easy task to mimic computational models against reality because reality is subjective.

You can pretend nothing is happening yet.

Today most Algorithms are already written and well tested, all we need to do is choose a good library on GitHub and port it to our language. But business frameworks are not that mature, yet.

Geoffrey Hinton. The godfather of Deep Learning states it very clearly:

Instead of program computers we will show them our needs and they will figure out what to do.

Geoffrey Hinton discusses the future of programmers with Coursera founder Andrew Ng

As an example, Most chatbots are failing not because programming one is a hard task but because we are not mature enough to create great business models and let our chatbots live on top of them. We hit our heads again and again with programming problems far away from our customer’s real problems.

If you are a Computer Engineer or Computer Scientist my advice is: Once you’ve read some programming books leave that stuff to bots and IA and take care of business model design instead.

It is a long journey and we are still ahead.



I’m a senior software engineer specialized in declarative designs. S.O.L.I.D. and agile methodologies fan. Maximilianocontieri.com