Code Smell 42 — Warnings/Strict Mode Off

Compilers and warnings lights are there for help. Don’t ignore them.

Maximiliano Contieri
Dev Genius


Photo by Noah Dominic Silvio on Unsplash


  • Missed Errors
  • Ripple Effect
  • Fail Fast


  1. Enable all warnings
  2. Enable preconditions and assertions in production.
  3. Fail fast
  4. Design by contract

Sample Code




Most languages have warning levels. We should turn most of them ON.

We should run linters to statically analyze our code for potential problems.


  • Fail Fast


If we ignore warnings and code moves on sooner or later it will fail.

If the software fails later it will be very difficult for us to find root cause.

Defect will likely be near first warning and far away from the crash.

If we follow the Broken Windows Theory, we should not tolerate any warnings, so a new issue will not pass unnoticed on a sea of tolerated warnings.


More info

One man’s crappy software is another man’s full time job.

Jessica Gaston



I’m a senior software engineer specialized in declarative designs. S.O.L.I.D. and agile methodologies fan.